The idea that a trademark registered in a country will be valid all over the world is common in the public opinion. Is this correct?

Trademark registration must be made separately in countries where protection is requested. So, if an owner of the company registered his trademark in Turkey, his trademark is not deemed to be registered in other countries.

However, regional and international trademark application systems have been developed due to the high costs of applying for trademark to many countries at the same time.

For example, international trademark applications can be made to WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Likewise, it is possible to make the Community Trademark Applications for the European Community via OHIM.


 4711,    27  Sep  2021 ,   Trademark
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Protech Teknoloji Danismanlik Ltd. Co, established in 2007 to provide services in the field of patent, trademark and design registrations, with its intellectual property experts, provides consultancy services to its customers, regarding the patent registrations for the inventions created in Turkey, industrial design registrations for the original designs revealed, and trademark registrations for the product names, company names while adhering to the strict, professional, fast service and reasonable price policies.